
BRAKE Materials & PARTS

specializing in everything brakes, there is little we have not experienced in brake parts.

YOUR One STOP Brake Parts SHOP

Quality... Service... Expertise

We stock new brake parts and can restore brake systems to "better than new" condition.

We will reline and rebuild your

"hard to find" brake parts.

We love specialty brake projects and offer custom relining and rebuilding services

including but not limited to:

brake bands, brake shoes, brake boosters, master cylinders, wheel cylinders,

industrial brakes and crane brakes.

We make brake hoses and brake lines to the length and with the fittings you need.

We offer a large variety of friction materials and industrial brake products.

Our range of products, inventory and abilities to source brake parts

allows us to meet practically any challenge.

Auto, Truck, Farm, Industrial, Lift Truck, Motorcycle, Off Road, Electric Trailer

Classic, Custom, Performance, Restoration, Street Rod, Vintage

We will make sure you get the right brake parts to do a QUALITY brake job.

selective-photography of stop signage
selective-photography of stop signage

Our mission

provide the highest quality brake parts, brake relining and brake rebuilding services and expertise without compromise.

Highest standards

There is little we have not experienced when it comes to brakes.

We stock new brake parts and can restore brake systems to like new or better condition.

Every job begins with analyzing the product and the requirements.

Did the product perform to it's best potential or did it fail? Why? Can we make it better? Then we begin.

vintage brake parts experts stophappy.com
vintage brake parts experts stophappy.com